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You have earned the right to a quality glove that fits, feels, and looks better. Thanks for putting in the hard work required to be a female goalkeeper.

Keepher was started to meet the specific needs of the female goalkeeper. I have been coaching my three daughters for the past 15 years. During this time, I have seen many ways in which the sports’ world does not attend to the unique qualities of the female athlete. Specifically, while training my middle daughter, Abby, I realized all goalkeeper gloves were designed for men. 

The fit, feel, and color, are based off a male hand and their preferences. There was nothing that addressed glove comfort and performance for the female goalkeeper. Not only does this compromise female preferences, but it also compromises the touch on the ball resulting in less than optimal performance. So Keepher became the first glove company to care about you by providing gloves that meet your distinct needs..